Keeping Projects On Track… On Campus
for the IT Department at the University of Toledo’s College of Medicine and Life Sciences
The year 2006 was a pivotal time for Josef Spencer, a seasoned IT executive and Project Management Professional (PMP), who had both a vision and a pressing need to act rather quickly. Approximately a year earlier, he had taken the helm as the new Chief Information Officer of what was then the Medical University of Ohio. The IT department was struggling to efficiently manage an array of IT programs and projects imperative to providing adequate technology support to the functioning of a top medical school in the state. At the time, the university also had an impending merger with the much larger University of Toledo, which would result in the third largest public institution of higher education in the state of Ohio.
1. Choice is easy.
Josef, already a veteran of Microsoft PPM technology, immediately contacted EPM Solutions in Silicon Valley, California. Several years earlier, EPM Solutions assisted him with a successful Microsoft PPM deployment when he had been a PMO Director at East Jefferson General Hospital in Metairie, Louisiana.
2. Need is clear.
This time around, Josef needed a solution that would require a “best-case”deployment of Microsoft PPM. “What the IT department needed were better standardized procedures, consistent templates, forms, and reports to impose more discipline on the process.” Josef stressed.
3. Solution is ready.
Greg who worked with Josef closely at the Easter Jefferson Hospital implementation recommended a fast‐track deployment model recently launched by EPM Solutions. The FasTrack PPM implementation leverages a standardized project field list developed specifically for the IT industry, and these fields also worked in conjunction with a pre‐built pack of standard reports and dashboards covering the gamut of business intelligence needs. The solution uses the shortest amount of time to deliver project management consistency, uniformity, governance, and management controls.
4. Goal achieved.
As a result of the newly implemented solution, all projects were readily accounted for and no longer hidden away in an unreported silo somewhere within the department. The CIO now had clear metrics of the effort being put forth so his department could properly prioritize its portfolio of projects to ensure staff levels were adequate. The chaotic nature of the prior situation had been replaced with a system that was fully capable of providing project and resource roll‐ups. Among the most valued by the client were the forms and reports that would provide for the best-case practices required for uniformity and consistency in a higher education setting.
Capacity Management
Custom Workflow
Business Intelligence
Proprietary Formula
Project Management
Resource Management
Got questions about implementing Microsoft for your university or medical facility? No problem, just email us!