Get instant “what-if” results by modeling hypothetical scenarios of new projects against existing ones.
Save time by estimate work efforts without having to create a Project schedule.
Quickly assess how many and what additional projects your team can take on.
Predictive analytics for future resource needs for planned and potential projects.
Drag-and-drop for project planning to support changing business priorities.

Over-allocation is counterproductive. How many is too many if you don’t have visibility?
Adding another rock may break somebody’s back. With the Capacity Planner tool, you can easily know, and show others, how many projects your team can take on.
A complete project resource management suite for Project Online and Project Server users.
Resource Directory: Capture the skill set of all employees.
Team Collaboration Platform: SharePoint enables team member collaboration in real time.
Powerful Reporting: Power BI and other reporting tools give you the amazing capability to easily visualize many aspects of resource planning and utilization.
+ Instant Capacity Planner
Search who’s available and when for new projects.
Prioritize all projects including all ongoing projects as well as potential initiatives.Allocate resources based on project priority.
Dashboard-driven to include resource capacity and demand planning.
No more over-allocations or resource conflicts.
Decision-making when priorities change. Simply drag timeline to change starting times of other projects and test out the impact.
Get Answers to These Questions:
When can I start a new project with my current resources?
What happens if we move this or that project to a later date?
How would our resource and schedule look if we added two new projects?
New projects are coming. How many can we take on?
Who is doing what? Is the work evenly distributed?
Which executing projects do I need to defer in order to start a new project?
Are we ready if our sales pipeline coverts to customers?
Do we need to hire people? If so, what position and how many?

Simple. Visual. Intuitive.
Resources are the most valuable assets of any organization. This tool makes resource planning fast and easy.
Need additional information? No problem, just email us!